Monday, 11 February 2008

Checking in!!

Life is back to lunch making, routines, after school activities and full time work and school for our little family. It's a pretty fast pace but we sometimes get a chance to relax and take a few shots. I thought I'd check in and post some of the latest images of my boys. They're growing up really fast and getting more and more gorgeous each day. I just love spending my days with them and being there to put their shoes back on when they need their mum.
Check out the look on this face... now there's a face of someone who thinks their dad is a hero!

This last shot if of my eldest boy doing a spot of reading after library day last week. He's always loved books but can now really read and is loving being the one to share the stories, especially to his little brother.... How cool is that?!

1 comment:

Jillian Kay said...

what cute kids!! love the last shot....those eyelashes are to die for!